I’m late but tests are negative


New member
At this point my period is nine days late. I’ve taken three different pregnancy tests on different days and each has come up negative. I’ve not gained or lost weight recently but I have been stressed as I am a college student. My period tends to be right on time although it has been late before but I don’t think it’s ever been this late. I’ve ordered mugwort tea and some vitamin c as I’ve heard those help start your period. Any ideas on what might be going on?

Edit: I’m now 14 days late. Still testing negative on all tests. My period has never been like this before. Me and my bf have unprotected sex 2-3 times a week ish for those that asked I do t know when the last time was then but it was within that week. I’m more just curious on why this is happening since I’ve never experienced this.
@bodhiboy 9 days period late isn't for a worry, and late period doesn't always equal pregnancy. Maybe you ovulated later than usual, are under stress, been sick recently etc. No need to drink anything to make period come, it'll come when it wants to since you're not pregnant, don't mess with hormones even more
@bodhiboy Then you ovulated late or haven’t yet but can still test positive. Test once a week until you get either a positive test or your period.

Are you trying for a baby?