I’m just e x h a u a t e d


New member
I’ve been slowly feeling like I’m on the brink of a mental breakdown. I found myself in this sub, read the first current “top post” about touch love language being bullshit, and for the first time in about two years I finally feel like I’m not alone.

My husband is amazing. He helps with the house, he does most of the cooking and dishes. There’s times I honestly feel a bit guilty like I should be doing more. We have an 18th month old girl and a 9 year old boy (from another relationship, my husband and I began dating when my son was 2), but after having the baby was the first time I didn’t go back to work, or have a stable job since I was 14. Instead I started my own business when the pandemic started and have been home with the baby (toddler) doing the school runs, and keeping up with my growing business from home. To say I’m exhausted is just the tip.

Yet, my husband is one of those. That “his love language is touch”, and I just need to touch more, be more affectionate. But like many of those comments in that thread, there’s never just a cuddle. Ever. Which in turn over time has caused me to not even want to cuddle. Touched out as some call it. I felt that to my core. We do have sex, not as frequent as prebaby, but never enough. The guilt is overwhelming. For so long I keep feeling like something is wrong with me. Why don’t I want it?? He tells me he’s a sexual person, and why am I not sexual?? Or just flat out tells me I’m not a sexual person. I am though. Or I was, when I wasn’t so exhausted all the time. It honestly hurts when he says this, it feels so so misogynistic. Or worse, he tells me he needs it because he feels like I’m not attracted to him, and he needs the confirmation. It’s just all so mentally exhausting.

To top it off, my birthday was a week ago and my gift was $150 to a lingerie online store. We are not well off (did I mention I’m starting a business??) $150 for bras and underwear’s is absurd. And then tonight I comment I wish our daughter could sleep better (she has a stuffy nose currently) and his response was he wished I wore lingerie more, which made the birthday gift feel even more icky. I just feel like I’m at a breaking point. The more he pushes the less I want it, but I don’t know what to do.
@mjaney123 The lingerie voucher is a waste of money. It also wasn’t a present for you - it was for him.

Is there any chance you can get some practical underwear/sports bras there?

If your family is not well off then your husband should be looking for a new job - not trying to get laid.
@mjaney123 That gift is so gross.... I would take that $150 and find the frumpiest, coziest long underwear, robe, sweatpants, socks or whatever you can find at that store that will make YOU feel good and then thank your husband profusely for pampering YOU on your birthday because surely he didn't expect your only gift to be lingerie that you aren't even interesting in wearing??? Seriously, he should be embarrassed.

Nothing makes sex less appealing than being guilted/coerced/nagged into it. CRINGE.
@tomsleeuk Oh I am for sure using it to buy comfy stuff. I’m still breastfeeding my toddler, the last thing I wanna put on is a real bra.

And agreed. The more it’s pushed, guilted, and all that, the less I wanna do it. I’ve even told him dozens of times, for me to “get in the mood” it needs to just happen. Being asked awkwardly or worse, guilted, is a huge libido killer.