I’m itchy!!!


New member
How can I help calm the itchy stomach. I’m 6 months and can’t with the itching and I’ve used lotion to help add moisture but it doesn’t help for long and I itch throughout the night! Any suggestions for products or remedies would be so sooo helpful!!

Edit: we have figured out I got the itch from the lake I swam in! Was lovely to find out after that the lake was contaminated with the itch.
@kullboys Do not do the remedies. Go test for cholestasis. Immediatelly! This is when your pregnancy addects your liver. I know that because I had the same and ended up in hospital having emergency c-section. It is a danger for you and a baby. To to your obgyn and explicitly Ask for blood test against cholestasis. These tests takes time to have results. And the itch is HORRIBLE when IT developes. All body would itch and nothing would help (but delivery).
@kullboys I’d get tested for possible cholestasis. It can cause extreme itching, usually in the hands and feet but can be anywhere. If it’s not that, I’d keep an eye out for a rash. It could be PUPPS, which is just a bad, itchy rash caused by pregnancy.