Human Pillow


New member
My 3 year old has been sick for 2 weeks. Was sick, got better for a day and then caught something else. Took her to the dr on Monday, 2 hours of driving to get X-rays and tests and everything came back negative. Told us to come back Wednesday if she was still sick. Spoiler alert she was. Said it was an ear infection and all the other stuff was a virus and she was just unlucky to get stuff back to back. At least she got antibiotics.

I’ve been a human pillow the last several nights as she keeps throwing up mucus if she lays down. I was so excited to get 4 hours of sleep last night. But I’m exhausted. Dad helps where he can but she only wants me.

Thinking about enrolling her in kickboxing cause based on how she kicks me through the entire night I think she’d be amazing at it.

Was hoping to have the grandparents over tonight so we could do Halloween but she’s still too sick.

I need a break or just a good nights sleep. Fingers crossed she’ll be better tomorrow.
@acubarry Girl, I’m on day 3 of my 21 month old having a cough so bad she pukes and I’m not handling it well. Kudos to you for managing that nonsense for two WEEKS. Last night baby girl was basically up till 5 am. We tried everything. Rocking chair: puke. Lying in bed with daddy and me: kicking covers off, crying in misery, coughing, snot rockets galore. And toddlers are so hard because you can’t medicate them beyond pain meds. I have honey based cough syrup and made a kid safe essential oil roller to try to decongest her. But she’s too little for anything that would actually work.

May the naps be ever in your favor ❤