Hello r/TryingForABaby,
I'm (36/f) hoping someone can shed some light on a situation I'm going through. I've searched through the subreddit and read everyone's thoughtful and sometimes painful posts. I couldn't find something that matched pretty closely to my situation and would love to access the wisdom of the hivemind.
After trying for about 10 months, I unfortunately lost a pregnancy at about 9 or 10 weeks in early January and had a D and C. I was devastated and the recovery was much worse than I was led to believe, I may have been unlucky. I had a blood test two weeks after and my hcg was 1421, I had a transvaginal ultra sound and everything looked clear. So I moved on with my life and got busy with other things for a few weeks, my pregnancy tests are almost negative at this point, becoming real squinters.
Low and behold I get a positive pregnancy test and get my hopes up that I am one of those unicorns who got pregnant 2 weeks after their D and C and drive myself insane reading stories about just that on Reddit and everywhere else. I go back to the doctor and we test my HCG levels, now about 6/7 weeks from the D and C. Over 3 48 hour intervals, my HCG is 132, 138 and 142.
Based on these results, it's either a non-viable new pregnancy or a RPOC (retained product of conception or trophoblastic cells). This freaks me out as I read a bit about Gestational trophoblastic disease.
The doctor says I have 3 options:
Do nothing, keep monitoring and see if it comes down. Doing nothing stresses me out after reading about Gestational trophoblastic disease. May need to end up doing the below options anyways and waste more time)
Get Methotrexate to kill the cells. I have to pause trying for 3 months.
Get another D and C. Also pause trying, recovery really sucked for me.
I'm wondering if anyone has had a similar situation and has any wisdom for me. I'm terrified at the prospect of not trying for 3 months then waiting 10 more months to have a positive, losing it and having another 6 months of recovery.
If you got this far, thank you for reading. It feels pretty cleansing to just have it all out there. I've added as many terms as possible so others can hopefully find this in future.
I'm (36/f) hoping someone can shed some light on a situation I'm going through. I've searched through the subreddit and read everyone's thoughtful and sometimes painful posts. I couldn't find something that matched pretty closely to my situation and would love to access the wisdom of the hivemind.
After trying for about 10 months, I unfortunately lost a pregnancy at about 9 or 10 weeks in early January and had a D and C. I was devastated and the recovery was much worse than I was led to believe, I may have been unlucky. I had a blood test two weeks after and my hcg was 1421, I had a transvaginal ultra sound and everything looked clear. So I moved on with my life and got busy with other things for a few weeks, my pregnancy tests are almost negative at this point, becoming real squinters.
Low and behold I get a positive pregnancy test and get my hopes up that I am one of those unicorns who got pregnant 2 weeks after their D and C and drive myself insane reading stories about just that on Reddit and everywhere else. I go back to the doctor and we test my HCG levels, now about 6/7 weeks from the D and C. Over 3 48 hour intervals, my HCG is 132, 138 and 142.
Based on these results, it's either a non-viable new pregnancy or a RPOC (retained product of conception or trophoblastic cells). This freaks me out as I read a bit about Gestational trophoblastic disease.
The doctor says I have 3 options:
Do nothing, keep monitoring and see if it comes down. Doing nothing stresses me out after reading about Gestational trophoblastic disease. May need to end up doing the below options anyways and waste more time)
Get Methotrexate to kill the cells. I have to pause trying for 3 months.
Get another D and C. Also pause trying, recovery really sucked for me.
I'm wondering if anyone has had a similar situation and has any wisdom for me. I'm terrified at the prospect of not trying for 3 months then waiting 10 more months to have a positive, losing it and having another 6 months of recovery.
If you got this far, thank you for reading. It feels pretty cleansing to just have it all out there. I've added as many terms as possible so others can hopefully find this in future.