How to respond to the people who say “WeLl CaN’t YoU jUsT wOrK fRoM hOmE?”


New member
No shade to working Moms. My husband and I decided it would be best for us for me to quit my job to take care of LO and when I mention that to people, that’s what they say.

Like, for one thing, my job was already WFH before but more importantly, they seem to think that wouldn’t also require finding a babysitter. They seem to think that it’s simple to take care of a baby and work at the same time. I feel like the people who say this have either never taken care of a baby or…. Have a terrible work ethic. If I’m at work, I need to be working. If I’m taking care of LO, I can’t be working.

How do I respond to people like this?
@hayjay I got such a good chuckle from this. I was so irritated with sleep when the baby sleeps. That is not helpful advice. If I could sleep when he slept, don’t you think I would?!
@mahyrah I would say “would you ask your child’s nanny to get a WFH job while she was watching your child? Because that’s exactly what you’re suggesting I do.”

I dont know why people 1. Think wfh is easy and 2. Think staying home isn’t contributing to the household. It makes me crazy
@chy Yeah, I have some of the equipment, I enjoy it as a hobby on occasion or as a way to drive home a joke. (My favorite) but I don’t have the equipment to scale it and my WFH job is professional consulting- lots of non-meeting downtime that requires research/critical thought. I’m not “not working” when I’m off camera.

Edit: except for right now scrolling Reddit…. Heh.
@chy WFH >>>>>>>>>> going into the office. Much much easier.

But with that said, cannot expect to not have childcare either. Sleep when the baby sleeps has never seems to pan out so not sure why people think we can…work when the baby works? 🤣
@katrina2017 I think this depends on the job. My husbands job is much easier in the office and when I did work it was so much easier to go in than work from home.. possible for both of us but much harder at home. Either way working from home and doing childcare is not possible bc you can’t give 100% to each one like you should
@mahyrah Easy, just put the baby down for 8 hours and do your work, right?

Even most work from home jobs involve meetings, which you obviously can't do if you're taking care of a baby who doesn't care about your work schedule!

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