Exactly what the title says.
Some sources say a minimum of 14 days after intercourse, others say 21. Why is there such a large difference?
Other sources tell you to test at least X amount of days past ovulation? How many specifically and what if you don’t know when you ovulate?
FRER pregnancy tests say you can take them 5 days before your expected period date. Assuming you ovulate 14 days before menstruation, you’d be testing 9DPO. If you get sperm inside you that live for 5 days before fertilization and then 9 days later you test. You’d be at 14 days. Is that too soon?
Some sources say a minimum of 14 days after intercourse, others say 21. Why is there such a large difference?
Other sources tell you to test at least X amount of days past ovulation? How many specifically and what if you don’t know when you ovulate?
FRER pregnancy tests say you can take them 5 days before your expected period date. Assuming you ovulate 14 days before menstruation, you’d be testing 9DPO. If you get sperm inside you that live for 5 days before fertilization and then 9 days later you test. You’d be at 14 days. Is that too soon?