How late is your 7 year old’s bed time?


New member
We have a near 7 year old (birthday in a few days) and she has been an 8:30pm school night bedtime for quite some time (weekends are a bit later and can vary a bit later). She has been more consistently saying “I’m not tired” at bedtime lately, and at this age it seems a bit more genuine than the past few years where it’s been more “I’m just trying to get out of going to bed”.

So, I ask you other dads…what is bedtime for your littles? She is a good sleeper and gets up just fine between 6:30 and 7:30 every day (always has been an early riser).
@jsteel My oldest never slept. Never wanted to. Never felt the need to. Wasn't irritable or exhausted. Just inherited the "I function on 4 hours of sleep" gene. We did however enforce a "8pm may not be bed time and you may not be tired but it is quiet time in your room."maybe something like that would work if she isn't tired. She can read or play with Legos or something quietly until 9pm or something.
@jsteel I try for 8:30 on school nights but it’s usually more like 9, but I always have to drag them out of bed in the morning. I’d say stick to your current routine for now unless she starts taking a long time to fall asleep
@jsteel my nearly 7 year goes to bed at 7:30 and sleeps from then until 6:40 am. My youngest (3.5) hates that we go to bed at 7:30, sometimes he goes to sleep shortly thereafter but often he plays loudly in his room until as late as 9. He wakes up at 6 every morning whether you want him to or not. Two kids, same parents, two totally different needs in terms of sleep.
@jsteel In her room playing quietly or reading at 7:45-8:00, lights out around 9, although I just heard her get to and use the bathroom so she's not asleep yet.

She gets up around seven three days a week and sleeps later the other four.