How do y’all do it?

How does anyone have time or energy to devote to their significant other after their kid goes to bed? From 8:30-10pm I’m basically just a couch potato because I’m in denial that I should go to bed since I’m already exhausted. I feel like I’m doing well on the mom front and terrible on the wife front.
@chadfrommudvayne I remember feeling like that when my kids were babies! I have two things I can tell you, but I’m not sure how helpful either one will be. One, it gets better. Two, you need to cut yourself some slack and not worry so much about doing a fantastic job in your different roles. It’s impossible to do 100 percent in all the relationships all the time.

I also want to say that you sound like a very kind and thoughtful person, and I’m guessing even when you’re just a couch potato you’re still nice to be around. Sometimes it’s good just to sit next to someone and not do anything more than that.
@cushla4 Oh man, we have a 2 year old and I’m so tired I feel like I must be doing something wrong!

You must be an equally kind person to make this comment!! You’re so right, I can’t do it all even though my brain pressures me to do as much as possible. Thank you so much for being the voice of reason for me! I hope you get to couch potato with someone as kind as you are 💕
@chadfrommudvayne I have two little ones and understand the 8-10pm pressure lol but between those hours my husband and I are usually in silence with the TV on and us playing on our phones. When I feel guilty I remind myself he's just as tired from work as I am from being mom all day. We love being near each other but doesn't mean we have to be chatty. Being in the same room usually is enough for us. Just my take ❤️
@neven You’re describing EXACTLY what’s happening in my household lol.

I also look like a hot mess. Had to add that. Ain’t nobody looking cute around HAIR lol 😂 🥴😀😳
@neven Food stained leggings ✅

Side, ridiculous looking pony ✅✅

Phone in hand ✅✅✅

About to have dinner and watch crime tv with the hubs (in bed)

THATS IT. Every. Single. Day. 🤪🥳🥳💪🏼
@cushla4 I literally have been clinging to this for dear life. I have friends with older kids and am so jealous of seeing them do stuff, and am hoping that I’ll have some level of energy by the time I get to that stage lol
@towardsthemark 100% this. Currently sitting on opposite sides of the couch having let-our-brains-be-checked-out phone scrolling time. After 20 or so minutes we’ll usually play a quick game or have a snack together or just chat, then we’ll tackle the house reset for the next day.

We’ve also developed a Saturday morning tradition where we go get coffee and go for an hour-long drive. Baby has a nice solid nap in her car seat and my partner and I have that time to drink our coffee while it’s hot, have a longer conversation, or just put on non-baby music and enjoy being together. I look forward to it every week, and it’s nice that it’s at the outset of the day when we have a little more energy.
@todieistogain I think sometimes my 20 minute scroll takes 90 minutes and then I’m falling asleep on the couch lol. That’s a good point though, we should definitely do some bonding activity or just chat.

That drive sounds absolutely incredible!! I may have to steal that idea… ❤️
@towardsthemark Haha we do too, I just feel like I should be doing something more? I don’t know my brain read something today about falling out of love and I started panicking. A week of a sick 2 year old is apparently a bad time to browse Reddit for me 😅
@towardsthemark Same. I make sure to tell him I appreciate him
And specific things he’s done that day (though, not everyday, that would feel forced). When we feel pretty far apart, we do a phones down movie or show so we’re both participating at the same level and then we can talk about it. It’s not much, but it’s what we can do right now