How Can We Make r/sleeptrain A Better Sub for Sleepy Parents?

@driabid Exactly! Unpopular opinion is that no-one should be sharing the PDFs at all. Whatever you think of Cara's politics or her pricing, it's unethical to share her product. Personally, I would like to see a rule against this.

I also wonder if we could have a stickied FAQ to some of the common comments. It could link to great discussion threads from the past. I know what people appreciate is the human touch, but it gets monotonous when people clearly haven't searched the last 20 posts to see if their answer is there.
@nhc While I totally understand your opinion on the sharing PDF’s, I do respectfully disagree. I feel like I would lend a book to someone about sleep training, and not expect them to pay me/the author. So for me it’s the same thing.
@leslie64 It is okay to lend a book, but it is illegal to photocopy a book. On the one hand, I think it is okay to give away or lend anything you purchased, but on the other hand, when you give a digital product to someone, you essentially make a copy, which does not seem to be okay. It would be great to know what the law says!

Anyway, as for TCB, if you agree not to share it before you purchase, than it seems straightforward...
@leslie64 But when you lend a book, there is still ultimately one physical copy of the book. Eventually you will have to return it or your friend has to buy another book for themselves. When you share a PDF, you are creating a new copy so you both have it and another one doesn’t have to be bought
@leslie64 Now you make a very good point. But I think the difference is that when you buy her product you make an agreement that you will not share it with anyone else. AFAIK, you don't do that with books? But either way, good argument!
@nhc I haven’t ever purchased her stuff, so I didn’t realize that was something that was agreed to by the purchaser. (Not related to this discussion I think that’s kind of ridiculous in itself to be honest... I’ve purchased several birth/mom courses from different people and never had to agree to that.)
That definitely makes a difference though. When you buy books you don’t sign anything saying you won’t share it. I would say I definitely still lean more to the “share it” side, but I totally understand the side. As a whole/group/sub-Reddit, I can understand not wanting to support that but I don’t think we should ban it.
@nhc I think it's unethical to take advantage of sleep deprived parents desperate for anything that can make their lives functional who are unable to properly sample or evaluate your product. I think if people want to share what works for them, that should be their business and not policed by the mods.
@lisazh001 I agree that it's their business (and their decision) but I personally think it doesn't have a place on this platform.

I also agree her marketing is aggressive and walking the line with unethical, but I think she knows her target audience. FYI, I didn't buy her courses, I followed her on Instagram for a bit and read her blogs along with others.
@lisazh001 Definitely agree it’s unethical to take advantage of sleep deprived parents but I think it should be more about sharing information that is freely available between us and recommending good sources, rather than sharing other people’s content.
@driabid Would you lend a book to someone about sleep training or otherwise? If so, it’s basically the same thing. Libraries pay fees to lend out books. If you’re not paying a fee/charging a fee then you’re effectively doing the same thing are sharing a pdf.
@leslie64 It’s not the same. It’s not like the book has a purchase agreement that you sign promising not to share the book. TCB does have that kind of agreement. Doesn’t matter if you don’t like that, the fact is that her business asks you to agree to those terms and therefore it IS unethical to share.
@abecton4 I have never, and will never purchase her stuff so I didn’t know that. But someone nicely explained that to me in another comment where I said I didn’t know that, and it changed it for me. I don’t really care what other people do, it’s not my business. I’m just saying I don’t think it’s our job as a community to say you can’t do that here. I think it’s up to people to personally decide if they choose to purchase/not purchase.

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