How are we doing? Great naps, poor night sleep


New member
We have 14 w/o b/g twins (12 weeks adjusted) who do great at nap time. They sleep in their cribs 4 times daily and nap from 30 min - 1 hour typically. Most naps are 45 min. They fall asleep quickly.

Night time feels less successful. We’ve been waiting for a breakthrough but event seen it yet. Our boy seems to be the sensitive sleeper, whereas girl only wakes up when she is hungry. We tried bassinet and failed. To get sleep we have had them right next to us in the twin-z pillow.

For the last week or so their schedule has been this:

6:45 bedtime (fall asleep within 20 min and sometimes a wake up between this and dream feed)

10:00 Dream Feed

(After this boy sleeps for a while and then frequently will need to switch to sleeping on mommy or daddy’s chest) otherwise he’ll fuss until it builds to a cry.

1:30-2:00 feed (boy usually wakes up to initiate this process) 2.5 oz each - which has been weaned down from 4, 3.5, and 3.

During this time, we have the same problem with boy needing to be on mom or dad after about an hour. Sometimes this time period sees frequent wakings from boy.

4:00-4:30 wake up for feed (usually boy sometimes girl starts it.)

Boy sleeps for about an hour or so and usually needs to be held. Sometimes I can hold for a min and then place back to sleep.

Wake up at 7:00-7:30. They wake up happy, no crying.

We’re wondering how we can improve upon these nights. We’d like to get them into their cribs at night but after trying that one night it because a disaster. No sleep for anyone including babies. We thought it’s be easier because they nap so well in there.

It’d be nice to drop a feed and get boy less reliant on our bodies for comfort. Though, again, he sleeps so well in crib for naps.

Any tips?

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