Hormone results are in and Dr has recommended Yasmin, looking for advice or personal experiences


New member
Hello, I hope I chose the right flair, sorry if I didn't!

My blood test results have come back 'borderline' and my Dr has recommended I try the Yasmin combined pill.

I am a cisgendered woman with a family history of PCOS, though I'd need an ultrasound to confirm PCOS, I have acne in my 30s and some hair thinning, as well as slightly high testosterone.

My blood was taken on day 5 of my cycle, these are the results:

17-Beta Oestradiol - 137.0 pmol/L

Luteinising Hormone - 8.1 IU/L

Follicle Stim. Hormone - 7.0 IU/L

Prolactin - 227.0

Sex Hormone Binding Glob - 67.4 nmol/L

Testosterone - 1.78 nmol/L

Thyroid Stim. Hormone - 1.630 MIU/L

My testosterone is slightly high, and I think my oestradiol reading is potentially slightly low.

I was wondering if anyone here is a hormones boffin, or has had similar results to me, and can help me understand how suitable Yasmin would be for me. I have no medical background whatsoever so just been trawling the internet trying to understand how people with similar bodies have experienced Yasmin.

I've been off BCP for 4 years so it is not a small thing to me to go back on them, I just want to be as informed as possible before I go ahead.

Thanks so much!

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