Homework Revolt (it’s me, I’m revolting, not my kid)


New member
My daughter just started PreK. She’s 4. This week they started sending her home with “homework.” Make a tree out of crap you find around house kind of stuff. Which we all know is homework for me, not her.

Here’s the thing. First, I’m fervently anti homework. There is no indication that homework improves academic performance at at. Children develop better when they have ample amounts of free creative play.

Second, I work my ASS off to provide for my child. It’s busy season at work and I’m likely to hit 70hrs this week. I have no family support l, I do this alone. And you want me to do homework?!?

Sorry, CHERYL, my child will show up clean and fed and will get a story at night, and you will NOT be getting a fucking tree made from found objects. What are you gonna do, FAIL HER?

Sorry, just feeling tired and salty tonight.
@tert I’m a teacher and that is absolutely ridiculous homework.

I would suggest sending a note or email that says something like “Thank you for the homework suggestions. We have our family routines that work for us so we won’t be participating.” You’re acknowledging the homework, but letting them know you won’t be doing their (crazy) activities.
@tang0 Exactly like homework shouldn’t really even be a thing until later in school anyway and even then homework should be very little. To have preschoolers doing homework is insane! My moms a preschool teacher and she just provides recommendations on how to help your child at home like to know their shapes and whatnot but one of those suggestions is also to read to your child which is awesome that you do every night. Crazy to have actual homework at 4 years old.
@tert What the heck!! Pre-k homework. I’m a mom of teens and I still think homework is BS. There has never been a thing I’ve argued more about with my kids. Never a thing that has caused more stress. Etc etc. homework is dumb! Really just a way of conditioning our kids to comply. Ugh!! All that to say…I’m sorry!!! You got this mama. And you are right!!!
@tert Ahahaha I’m a teacher and I support this. I’m sure most wouldn’t agree, but I suggest not being confrontational with the teacher, just explain u have no time and try to gain empathy. It shouldn’t have to be that way, but I have known some malicious teachers who take frustration with parents against their kid in the classroom.
@tert Homework in the way most teachers give it to children is pointless. So much wasted time that could be spent on something useful like reading together.
@tert First of all, I feel for you, it's really hard to carve out time for your daughter's homework when you're so busy.

However, homework is not about improving your child's grades, it's just about parents having more time with their children. If you follow your argument, then you probably won't have much interaction with your daughter this week. Please put yourself in your child's shoes. Wouldn't it be hard for her not to get her homework done or to get company?

What is the purpose of working? It is for your daughter to have a comfortable and happy environment to grow up in, but you are putting the cart before the horse. Single-parent families are not only more stressful for the father/mother, but for the child as well.
@familylawyerspenrith I know you’re getting downvoted, but I do understand what you’re saying. I’m taking my daughter to a fall festival tomorrow, which she will enjoy infinitely more than making a tree. Lol. The reality is our quality time isn’t going to happen on someone else’s schedule or by their definition right now. And I don’t feel guilty for that.
@tert Yea. You seemed like trash, and I wanted to see how deep the garbage went.bite and sucks bottom lip

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