High hCG at 4 weeks


New member
My beta came back today at 1,175.4. I am roughly 4 weeks. First day of my last period was 11/26. I had really high levels around 6-7 weeks in my last pregnancy (190,000 range) and I lost that baby and had to have a D&C about 9 months ago. Starting to panic I'm going to find myself in the same situation with this pregnancy :( my husband is trying to stay positive but I'm struggling. HAs anyone else had higher than normal levels?
@dave3b Your anxiety is understandable given your experience and fears. Just try to take deep breaths when you get worked up and remind yourself that every pregnancy is different. Every single one.
@primarye I was 439 at 14DPO, then 1461 at 16DPO (a quadrupling in 2 days!), then 7300+ at 20DPO, then 23,000+ at 23DPO, and finally 69,000+ at 28DPO. At that rate, I was projected to exceed 200,000DPO in the 1st trimester and was worried about all the things Dr. Google will tell you to worry about.

But am now at 24w with a healthy singleton pregnancy.

(I should say that the last few betas were self-ordered out of anxiety as I was on my 4th pregnancy after 3 back-to-back losses. There is no good reason to keep testing more than 2-3 times very early on because after that, an ultrasound is a much more useful piece of information, and we all, even those will losses in our past, should eventually learn to just wait. I, meanwhile, continued testing and then freaking out about my betas getting too high too soon, which didn't help at all. Do not recommend.)
@primarye Yep, you did just as you were supposed to and I did the thing I don't recommend and didn't ultimately find reassuring 🤦‍♀️

My personal takeaway for how to do this in the future: A couple of betas, max, then ultrasounds (preferably no earlier than 6½-7w so you can actually see something definitive rather than something ambiguous and anxiety-provoking).
@dave3b I think I’m the exact same cycle dates as you, my beta was only 221 a couple days ago and now I’m waiting for my results from today. I’m so nervous to see if they doubled.