

New member
Hey guys, single dad here to a 4 year old and in need of some serious help

My ex and I are on a trial custody, for the next 6 months, we’re on month one and I’m noticing that my kid has had an attitude shift, constantly miserable yelling hitting spitting kicking just not listening in general, the reason this is a trial is because my ex lives 1 hour away from my kids daycare, so I know for a fact that my kid is waking up at atleast 5am to get to the daycare, and they’re not getting home until 7-7:30, now my schedule is eating and have her going to bed by 8-8:30 at the latest, but since this has started my kids not going to bed with me until 9-9:30 so the kid is just exhausted, and I’m sure it’s effecting the schedule set up, I’ve noticed that all that hard work done to get on a schedule is being thrown out the window…..the problem I have is that I don’t know how to get my kid to understand that while they’re with me, the schedule remains the same and the attitude won’t be stood for, when my ex doesn’t punish and let’s the kid do whatever they want. I understand that this is an issue and it’s my case to deal with but advice is appreciated, I also understand that my exs schedule is what it is but it’s not set up for a 4 year old I just don’t know how to do this anymore, any advice is greatly appreciated

Please save me from tears