Help me interpret my CD3 labs!!


New member
I’ve been off Metformin since February (my doc doesn’t want to give me a refill before my next follow up) and now my period have been strange again. They asked me to get blood work done before my appointment soon. My results are in from my CD3 bloodwork and my HSG results form 2 months ago. I'm just as impatient as everyone else here, so help me interpret my results! I’m still pending my AMH but my previous one showed 4.86 in October.

HSG showed both tubes are open (yay!) but that I definitely have a retroverted uterus.

Bloodwork: all results are in the "normal" range according to the reference range given (I'll put what the lab references as normal in parentheses), but online searches suggest otherwise...

@camyam73 Every lab has their own “normal” and measuring system. So if they give you ranges, you trust them. There is no need to google lab results when you literally have the ranges right in front of you. And everything (besides maybe progesterone) is obviously in range.