Help a first time mom who is 15 months postpartum


New member
Happy Monday, everyone. I’m in some serious need of guidance.

When I met my husband 6 years ago I was in really good shape. I was working out weekly and eating relatively healthy. At the time of meeting him I was about 143lbs. During our early years of courtship, we eat out a lot and let’s just say, I got very comfortable. Well, I was happy.

Then came a time about 3 years of being together where I put on a lot of weight, about 30-40lbs. I fluctuated a lot in weight and because I had never been that heavy before I felt discouraged and didn’t know where to begin as far as getting back in shape.

Fast forward to now, I’m 15 months postpartum and yes I’ve lost most of the pregnancy weight, but I can’t stand to look at myself in the mirror. I have major love handles, my upper arms are fat, my stomach is big, and I have back rolls. I feel so unattractive and I don’t know what to do (my husband tells me I’m beautiful and I look fine, but I know he’s just being a loving supportive husband).

I am still breastfeeding, so I can’t go into a huge calorie deficit. I am also a stay at home mom and don’t go to the gym. I live in the Northeast (US) so right now it’s in the teens as far as temperature, and getting my daily walks alphas come to a halt.

I’ve tried doing at home workouts from YouTube but there’s no structure and I get distracted with my baby around (as you can imagine, working out with a toddler in the same room is not ideal). I tried joining the gym late last year but I found myself only going a couple of times.

As far as my diet goes, typically I eat eggs and bacon for breakfast. Sometimes oatmeal with fruit. Then for lunch and dinner I’ll eat either chicken/beef with some rice and some form of veggie. Snacks I eat popcorn or nuts.

I’ve cut down a lot on the sugar (especially added sugar).

Sorry for the long novel of a post. I just want to know if there’s anyone out there that has been in similar situation and has had some success.

Current metrics:
Height: 5’7”
Weight: fluctuates between 175-180
Gender: F
Age: 35
Goals: I want to tone my body up, lose all the love handles and back rolls and big stomach.
@2bhealed Hi! I’m also a stay at home mom and work part time with an 11 month old. I know how hard it is. I have lost 36 pounds but not yet to my goal weight. I’d be happy to be an accountability partner for you. Feel free to PM me
@2bhealed I gained soooo much weight when I started breastfeeding.
After birth I was back at my pre pregnancy weight. And then started breastfeeding and I packed it on.
Anyway I realised I had it in my mind that I needed to eat more to keep my supply.
Which for some women may be true but not for me.
So I cut back on what I was eating and ate what I would usually eat. And smaller portions.
I was snacking a lot. And not actually realising I was over eating.
I would keep a food diary and just be mindful of what you’re eating. And how much you’re consuming. You don’t actually need that many calories to produce milk. It’s mainly protein and water that you need to keep up.
@rbministries Ahhh good point. Thank you for sharing your experience. I’m in that boat of thinking I need to consume a lot of calories for supply but maybe I don’t. Haha. I’m trying to cut out the continuous snacking. I’ll focus on protein and my water intake. And moving my body of course ;).
@2bhealed Look up Sydney Cummings Houdyshell on YouTube. I do her workouts a few times a week while my baby plays in her playpen beside me and I really look forward to them. I found her channel when I was pregnant and looked up workouts for pregnancy (she was also pregnant). Anyway, she just started her new Breakthrough program this month and she posts new videos on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, & Saturday. I try to follow that schedule but if I can’t I just do one of her old workouts or a workout that I missed from this program. I know she sells a schedule for this program for under $10 that is supposed to help you keep track & keep you accountable but I haven’t purchased that. The videos are 30-40 mins long and enjoyable. You got this!
@2bhealed I have pretty much the exact stats as you. Also bfing. I have 2.5yr old and a 3m old. It's hard to get time to myself so my plan this time around is to incorporate my kids. We go sledding and once it's spring, we'll do bike rides or i'll take them for a run in the stroller. We also do toddler gymnastics where the parent has to go along!

Right now, I do some stretches in the living and the toddler will tell me to do them! "Mommy stretch?" "Ughh ok". She's a good coach and tells me good job!
I also workout on a mutlistation machine 2-3times a week for however long I feel like. Anything is better than than nothing for me.

I'm trying to stay moving (while still taking much needed breaks) and when I'm done bfing I'll be able to better focus on all that.

One last thing I'm doing is buying myself a dress I feel good in despite the body that doesn't feel like me.

I'm done having kids so I'm super dedicated this time to getting myself strong the way I like it again. It will take time, but it's easier for me now to accept that it might take longer because, it'll be for me and it'll be sustainable this time (no more pregnancy interruptions).

If you like running or something, would joining groups like running room (or my physical therapist clinic has a running group I might join) feel like something that might keep your interest?
@2bhealed I like the Sweat app a lot. There are three post pregnancy programs and a slew of others. Your baby naps right? That's a good time to work out. When you partner gets home from work, that's a good time to workout. After baby goes to sleep for the night, that's a good time to workout.

Yes, diet does play a large role on weightloss but you're in your 30s and recently post partuum so building muscle may be more important if you could only choose one to focus on.

Find out what your barriers are and move past them. Join a gym with child care, meal prep more, slow cooker dinners, schedule your workout time so it fits in the family schedule etc.
@truthinlight These are all very good points. Yes, my baby naps, but we are still doing contact naps. And when he goes to bed, we all three go to bed together. I think I’ll focus on building muscle for now until I’m done breastfeeding.
@2bhealed I’m much like you! I’m 5’7” and after my Bub I was 180lbs. Before I had her I was 140lbs. I’m now 148bls and still losing. I want to get down to 130lbs.

Do you have a crèche at any local gyms? (Idk if that’s what it’s called everywhere, I’m from Australia). If you can find a gym with a crèche you can let Bub play and socialise while you do your workout! I did this a lot.

I wouldn’t recommend cutting calories while breastfeeding without speaking to a dietitian, it’s way too hard and you’re already doing so much. I would mainly focus on gaining muscle, this’ll speed up your metabolism (which pregnancy often kills) and help you naturally lose body fat.

I stopped breast feeding at 4 months PP and I’m currently 19 months PP, which helped me with weight loss a lot. I would honestly focus on gaining muscle and once you’re ready to stop breastfeeding then go in on high protein low calories and carbs. If you already have the muscle there the weight will fall off so fast.
@remnant502 Thank so so much for sharing your experience. Yes we have something similar to crèche here at one of the gyms I used to go to prior to getting pregnant. Maybe I’ll do that once I stop breastfeeding and join a gym to workout. Like you said, I’ll focus on building muscle for now. :)
@2bhealed My first time PP I took it easy. I lost 50 of the 60lb I gained from working 2 x 12 hour shifts on my feet per week. I got pregnant again at almost 11 months PP. I’m 2 months PP now and just focusing on eating nutrient dense foods vs snacks (especially protein), tracking calories through my fitness pal (1 day per week not tracking and enjoying whatever), weighing foods, weighing myself, and I have some home gym equipment but I haven’t had the energy to do anything yet with 2 under 2 and EBF+pumping. I drink about a gallon of water per day & still take prenatal daily. I would say focus on the little things you can do to feel healthier. If you can add in strength training, that’s where I always see the most results as far as toning goes. I’m 5’8” and saw great results around 1500-1800 calories per day when I wasn’t breastfeeding. My goal right now is 2300, I can probably go lower but if I’m hungry I eat. There are free breastfeeding macro calculators online that can give you a calorie goal for maintaining milk supply. Give yourself grace and remember you created a whole human and are still nourishing one. My body will probably never look the same as it did before, I just focus on how I can take care of myself. :)