hCG tests shows positive even after taking Plan B. Need advice


New member
Me (27M) and my girlfriend(25F) had unprotected sex about 28 days ago. Next morning she took Plan B. She was supposed to get her period about 1-1.5 weeks ago, this was putting stress on her so we went forward and did a strip tests, it’s showing positive.

Currently she’s experiencing some weird discharge (white-pink-brown) We are together for 8 years now and this is the first time we took a rash decision like this. She is currently freaking out, I am freaked out as well (but I am trying to be strong)

What should be our next steps? Please help, I feel really awful that she is going through this. We are planning on visiting a gynaecologist in 4-5 days. What are the options do we have now to safely get out of this situation?
@scottxbx88 Your only option now is to ensure she’s actually pregnant at the doctor and proceed accordingly. There’s nothing you can do at this point, unfortunately. You do have options regarding carrying the pregnancy or not though.
@scottxbx88 She needs to get a blood test to confirm pregnancy, unfortunately plan b does fail sometimes. r/abortion has resources for options and if your live somewhere without access r/auntienetwork has resources for travel and access.
@aaronthestudent Thank You so much, I was doing some deep reading in r/abortion resources, I think if I can learn about these processes I can make it easier for her to go through this. Really appreciate it.

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