HCG level is 119,702 mIU/mL at 5 weeks and 6 days


New member
So I’m a little scared because my Human Chorionic Gonadotropin Quantitative (HCG) came back 119,702 mIU/mL at 5 weeks and 6 days…

I was told by my gynecologist this could indicate the following
1) molar pregnancy
2) early detection of cancer cells
3) abnormal pregnancy
4) twins

My question is, has anyone had a similar HCG level, has anyone had twins ??? and may you please share your experience, because I need to know what to do as a next step moving forward :(
@stephmw I had this same thing happen!! Everything ended up normal with my ultrasound and I’m now 17weeks with a healthy baby boy! Hoping everything goes turns out the same for you💙
@stephmw I know it’s scary, I felt the same way at first too!!! My OB was worried about some of the potential things you mentioned too before I went in for an ultrasound but after the saw everything g was normal, she assured me that the hormones were just strong and everything was progressing well! Good luck mama. 💙