has this happened to anyone else?


New member
so I take the combo pill (24 active 4 placebo) and my periods are maybe 3-4 days. I bleed a good bit as well & rarely skip the placebo pills.

I also always make sure my partner is wearing protection, and last time I had sex w anyone was maybe a month-ish ago. But it’s always the pill+condom, no matter what.

I was supposed to have a “period” as my placebo started on Monday 8/28 and ended on 8/31, resuming the regular pill on 9/1

I only spotted a little, barely enough to even need to wear a pad. I thought it was odd so I took a pregnancy test, negative.

My question is, I have been under a LOT of stress this last month and a half. it’s really been affecting me physically and mentally (I am seeing a therapist) so can stress impact whether or not I bleed even when I’m taking the pill? I’m not concerned about pregnancy but it’s just weird I didn’t bleed nearly as much as I normally do. I’ll likely take another test in a week or two just to confirm but I’m not experiencing any abnormal symptoms that would lead me to believe I’m pregnant, just the spotty bleeding when there should have been more

Just wondering if a. stress can cause you to not bleed as much even when on the pill, and b. if this has happened to anyone before?

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