Happy f’ing Mother’s Day


New member
This is gonna be a long one, so apologies in advance. I have no one else to talk to.

I have strep throat, was at the ER last night for it and feel like I’m dying. I haven’t been able to eat anything solid in over 2 days now. Never mind that I was also at the ER twice with my daughter on Monday bc she face planted and really hurt her mouth. Then at the dentist with her twice for follow up appointments. Oh and she’s of course super clingy so she’s sleeping with me bc she’s been in so much pain so I haven’t really been able to sleep in about a week. All this while I work full time and do way more than my fair share of everything else to keep this family and house upright.

Then there’s my amazing husband. Who is unemployed at the moment and has been for a month, who was “so sick” this past week that he laid down almost nonstop in bed from Wednesday-Saturday and couldn’t do anything (he doesn’t have strep, not congested, no fever, etc). And amazingly all his sickness started as soon as I told him I was getting an annoying tickle in my throat. So I’ve had to do everything for the kids while wanting to die this week stressing my voice and throat out in meetings and with the kids all week.

Last night at the ER I texted him an update and told him I had strep and I had to get a steroid shot and antibiotics before coming home. He said “that sucks” and then Happy
Mother’s Day after that. At 11:30 PM so it’s not even fucking Mother’s Day.

Today, absolutely nothing. Not even trying to be even remotely nice to me or the kids. I had to do laundry bc ours was overflowing and I had no underwear left. When I put a load in, he comes into the room and asks me why I didn’t ask him to do laundry bc it’s Mother’s Day. Then proceeds to make me feel like absolute shit for doing a load bc I needed underwear and he’s still so sick that he’s laying on the couch nonstop giving attitude to the kids. Same with our dishes. They hadn’t been done in a couple days and we’re starting to smell. I started emptying the dishwasher and he does the same thing. Comes in with attitude and says he “was about to do that”. Empties the dishwasher, puts 2 dirty plates in then leaves it like that and goes to lay back down in the living room. So I just finished it and he got upset.

Not even a fucking single flower or thank you for everything you do or ANYTHING. I’ve cried by myself today in the shower and now as I locked myself in our bedroom to try to get a few minutes rest. I literally only feel like I’m useful if I have sex with him. But he wants me to want it all the time with absolutely no reciprocating. I’m so freaking sad today.

Sorry for the long rant. There’s more but I don’t have the strength to type more and I just want to sleep. I hope everyone else had a nice Mother’s Day. We all deserve it so much more than anyone gives us credit for.
@benthebeliever Of course he wants to have sex... He's resting all day, no work, not a worry in the world... He has all the energy for that, because he doesn't need to spend it on his family.

Fuck him, seriously.