Had sex without condom for 5 years no pregnancy


New member
So for some context with the condoms we had 2 times it 'busted' i was made in a lab (in vitro) since i was 20 i have been with the same girl. At first we used condoms but within the first 2 weeks we stopped, just using the classic pull out technique x) now after 5 years we soon want to try for a child since our lives have been stable and its something we both really want. my question is if i should be worried like

is this a sign something is wrong? or is precum just not the same? srry if this sounds stupid i just truly have no clue... Thanks in advance!
@sandragonz My husband and I used the pull out method for 5 years .I was not on birth control the whole time. When we started trying for a baby it happened immediately. It doesn't mean anything is wrong!
@sandragonz There’s actually only five days a month that it’s possible to get pregnant, and then depending on your/your partners age and other factors like overall health, etc, there’s a percentage of probability each month, too. I would look into ovulation tracking, not necessarily to start tracking, but to give you some insight on all of the factors that must align for pregnancy to occur.
@sandragonz Some women’s bodies just take more time I wouldn’t worry to much but it’s always okay to go check in case! I am 25 and 8 weeks pregnant and I know it’s not as long but my partner and I had a steady diet of unprotected sex for over a year (no pull out lol) and I never got pregnant and just one day it happend I wouldn’t worry to much but for her sake it might just be beneficial to go to a gyno and share the information to rule out any other factors or stress I’m sure everything’s gonna be okay!
@sandragonz Have always used the pullout method. With my husband who I’ve been with for over 5 years, and even in my previous long term relationship. Never got pregnant. We now have an almost 15 month old and it happened pretty quickly.
@sandragonz Precum is not the same as cum. And the pullout method is pretty effective. About 80%. That’s all we (married) use.

Have your lady track her cycle for the best outcome. Good luck! I wouldn’t worry yet.
@sandragonz Precum can cause pregnancy but is much less effective and therefore doesn't give any indication of your general fertility. It may have just been chance this whole time as there's a small fertility window each month and precum doesn't always contain sperm.

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