H E L P M A M A S… What next?!


New member
We’ve just hit 15 months, I love him so so much and have enjoyed my journey immensely but I feel like I may be done. I wanted so badly for it to tail off naturally but I think I might have to actively make the effort to stop.

We almost weaned naturally 8 weeks ago and then the top canines made an appearance. On top of what I can only imagine is an added sleep regression, we’re now 2 months into frequent night wakings, mouthfuls of dribble and feeding on demand so often that I’m one sore Mama. My supply is increased to the point where I feel like I’m back to 6 months and my little boy is so irritable and clingy. I feel awful at the thought of weaning now but unfortunately I’m back at work full time and I need some sleep. I don’t know whether this will help settle him at night or to wait for these other 2 canines to appear (one looks imminent.)

Any advice will be so warmly welcomed 🙏🏽
@rlcooke In a similar situation. Afraid to wean as it seems like it’s the easiest way to calm him and get him to sleep. He refuses milk (breast milk, cow milk, formula) any any cup or bottle. He drinks water from any cup so I know it’s not the container that’s the issue.

I was hoping to ease him off naturally but I’m not sure when that’ll happen. I have read the best way to begin is to remove the easier feedings first. But we are at a point where he really only has milk before his nap and bedtime. Now we are stuck.

Anyways, good luck. I’ll be following for any advice you receive.
Thank you so much, I absolutely think you’re right. I’ve been in denial that we’d fall back into sleeping through but I think we may have to go back to the drawing board! Last night he was awake from 10:30pm - 3:30am, just larking around 🙄
@rlcooke One suggestion is to sleep train instead of weaning. I’d recommend looking over on r/sleeptrain for more advice. Doesn’t have to be cry it out. There are much more gentle methods.

But also, it’s your body and if you are done that’s also ok. You don’t have to continue if you don’t want to.

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