Grovia O.N.E. stinks..


New member
I recently got a used Grovia ONE and it smelled faintly like a school toilet when I got it. I ran it through a hot wash with my towels and such, but now that it's dry it smells again! I can't exactly make out what part (shell or inserts) it is, it just lingers around... how can I fix it? Bleach soak? Stripping? I never had a problem like this with any diaper before.
@broken26 We use grovia one and I have found bleach works wonders on smells. Also not sure if you can get it in Europe but RLR is awesome for stripping them. I buy it on Amazon.
@haphap I did some research and now tried a wash cycle with a hygienic rinse detergent... They are still on the line, but so far no smell has resurfaced! If it reoccurs, then I'm pretty sure I have a mineral buildup, so then I guess I'll try to get some RLR next. But fingers crossed I don't have to!
@broken26 That is great, hopefully you fixed it with no more work needed! I really like the grovia ones but I have found the hidden layers of microfiber can hold on to stink more than other diapers. I had some that sat for awhile in a bin and when I stared re-using them they smelled great until we used them. It took a few times stripping them and bleaching them before the smell went away.
@markymatt Thank you, I will try that. I am in Europe so the standard US stripping agents (except bleach of course) aren't a thing here. I will inform myself though.