Greek yogurt vs homo milk


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Can 2% M.F. Greek yogurt replace a toddler’s need for homo milk?


M.F. = milk fat

Homo milk = whole milk = 3.25% milk

I’m still BF a little bit and my doctor said not to worry about homo milk until I stop BF. But my 14 month old is eating SO much plain Greek yogurt everyday, I’m wondering if she’s lacking something nutritionally and I should start offering homo milk?


Edit: sorry people’s comments were getting deleted because of the flair I picked! I am seeking research but also people’s thoughts and experiences. I have changed the flair.
@heloise23 Are you in America? Where 3.25% is whole milk? Because in Canada its homogenized milk and we just call it homo milk.

I dont know why we call it that, but we do.
@heloise23 I recently started buying non homogenized milk from a “milk vending machine” where I bring in my glass jugs to get filled. But that’s literally the first time in my 30 years that I’ve encountered non homogenized milk (lived in the US - Bay Area CA until 2 years ago when I moved to Ireland).

Just so people don’t assume the worst, the milk is still pasteurized. I made the decision for sustainability reasons/knowing the exact farm my milk is coming from.
@grace2018 It’s available in most grocery stores everywhere I’ve lived in the USA (SD, NY, PA, IL, NM) but it’s all from niche brands or small local dairies. Love my ‘cream top’! When I lived in Chicago in 2015 we had a local dairy deliver glass bottles of unhomogenized milk right to our back door.
@heloise23 You’re totally right, we did have “cream top” milk in glass jars at my US grocery stores, my brain just did not put those two things together!

Delivery seems great! I go through 3L of milk a week between coffees, baking and my toddler. These days I trek into town on the bus to pick up my milk! I run other errands too but milk is often the driving force.
@heloise23 I’ve been buying cream top and I don’t know what to do with the creamy top! Any tips? I’ve been stabbing it with a butter knife and shaking. But it’s still chunky. Maybe that’s normal? Didn’t grow up with it so I’m a bit baffled.
@nasrani I’m a big fan, I wish there was a slightly closer location to me! Trying to cut as much single use packaging from my life (especially tetra paks). I don’t have a berry solution yet… keeping up with my toddlers berry consumption results in so many plastic clam shells every week!
@grace2018 During the summer I can get strawberries in paper bags from my local honesty fruit and veg shed, but the vast majority of the year it's plastic packaging from the supermarket here also - wrecks my head!