Graduated Wednesday!


New member
Wednesday at 5:51pm my wife and I welcomed our son into the world. He is our first. He’s is perfect! He was born at 38 weeks 1 day! Weighed 7 pounds 9 oz. Measured 20.5 inches long. I’m so happy and so in love with him. But boy is the paranoia real! I feel like I’m always checking his breathing and jumping up every sound he makes. Does this get any better? I know it’s probably normal to feel this way. I feel like the worry has slightly tapered off but is still there. I just want my little guy to be safe.
@sarath Congrats mate!

This definitely does get easier as it goes on, I remember that first week me and my girlfriend jumped up as soon as we heard anything. As they grow even a tiny bit you start to get more comfortable and realise that babies aren’t as fragile as you think!

Having said all that my little girl is 3 months and every single night when I go to bed I pop over to her in the cot and just watch her for a second for her to make a little noise. Not sure why I’m still doing it, maybe it’s a little comfort thing.

Feel free to shoot anymore questions and congrats to you both again 🤝