Graduated January 9


New member
Hey all I’ve been a casual poster here and found this group more than useful to educate myself and understand what others are going through and how they deal, cope, and just sharing of knowledge it’s been really wonderful to know I’m not alone in my experience.

Early on we had a stressful time with a high NT score, really the most stressful, emotional three weeks of our lives as we waited our NIPT results. Luckily, the the NIPT results came back clearing our babe of any genetic abnormalities. Also, I was given the opportunity to advance my career which required moving from east coast to west coast Canada, which honestly happened at the best time of my wife’s pregnancy (if there is one), it was a huge change and my wife handled being apart from me almost 1.5 months while she stayed behind to sell our home like a pro. For me it was truly difficult being away.

But here we are now, 3 months settled into our new home, and welcoming our beautiful and healthy baby girl who just turned 6 days old today. Truly thank you everyone on this group for your support and points of view, it means a lot.