Graduated 9/12, 19y/o ftm, 39wks, voluntary induction, extremely positive


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(It’s a long one!)
I had an induction scheduled at 8am on 9/12 just because I was tired of being pregnant and my OB offered. I called at 7am and they told me they didn’t have a room and they’d call back later that morning and I was extremely disappointed but then they called back half an hour later with an available bed! We got checked in and started antibiotics for GBS and I started at 3cm 60% around 9am. After a round of fluids I started pitocin and my contractions were there but more tightening than painful. I have no idea what time it was but maybe around 1pm? my OB came and broke my water. My contractions really ramped you after that and I ended up getting an epidural around 3pm probably. The placement wasn’t terrible it felt like a bee sting, the hardest part was sitting still during contractions during it (and ripping the tape off my back the next day). I didn’t want the epidural unless I really needed it but honestly it was amazing. I was high out of my mind for awhile. It definitely sat more on my right side but once I laid on my left it didn’t even matter. The peanut ball worked wonders for my progress I had been dilating about a cm an hour since breaking my water but once I had the peanut ball it was even faster. Around 6pm I started feeling pressure in my butt that was mildly uncomfortable but my nurse said he still had a ways to come down. The pressure progressively got worse and I suffered in silence until I felt like I was holding in pushes because I wanted to labor on my own for awhile. I called my nurse and she was very chill about it until she checked me and his head was right there! She went to grab my doctor and while we were waiting I started to do practice pushes and she had to make me stop because I was progressing so fast. As soon as my doctor got there I started pushing when I felt contractions in sets of 3 for ten seconds. At the third push every time I ran out of breath so it was hard to get some good ones. Then he came out! The ring of fire wasn’t bad because of the epidural, even though they had turned it off to push I was still relatively numb, and it felt more like a sign that he was coming and to keep pushing as hard as I could. I felt his head come out then his little body with all his limbs was the weirdest sensation ever. They put him up on my chest and because I was full of adrenaline and out of it all I could say for the next ten minutes was oh my god baby hi. My boyfriend definitely laughed at that afterwards. I delivered the placenta wish i didn’t have to push for and it didn’t hurt, again just a weird sensation. I didn’t see it but my boyfriend did and he said it was a lot bigger than he was expecting it to be. He cut the cord and our baby boy is healthy. I had second degree tears and definitely felt the stitches so I had to get some numbing shots before she could finish that up. Baby had some serious cone head because I let him sit in the birth canal so long! He is 8.8lbs and 21in. (at only 39 weeks!) I labored for about 11 hours and pushed for less than 30 minutes! The whole process was as easy and smooth as I could have hoped for. My boy is healthy and breastfeeding like a champ. Everything has been great I could not have asked for a better experience. I’m in little to no pain almost 24 hours later, my muscles are just sore so it’s hard to get up and sit down. Also please use your peri bottles. It hurts to pee. The hospital ones are fine but I would definitely advise moms who are able to get the frida mom one. I can only hope that if you’re reading this in preparation for your birth, that your experience is like mine. I feel amazing. I love my son. I appreciated this sub throughout my entire pregnancy. Good luck moms! It’s so worth it.
(edit: typo)
I had an induction scheduled at 8am on 9/12 just because I was tired of being pregnant and my OB offered. I called at 7am and they told me they didn’t have a room and they’d call back later that morning and I was extremely disappointed but then they called back half an hour later with an available bed! We got checked in and started antibiotics for GBS and I started at 3cm 60% around 9am. After a round of fluids I started pitocin and my contractions were there but more tightening than painful. I have no idea what time it was but maybe around 1pm? my OB came and broke my water. My contractions really ramped you after that and I ended up getting an epidural around 3pm probably.

The placement wasn’t terrible it felt like a bee sting, the hardest part was sitting still during contractions during it (and ripping the tape off my back the next day). I didn’t want the epidural unless I really needed it but honestly it was amazing. I was high out of my mind for awhile. It definitely sat more on my right side but once I laid on my left it didn’t even matter. The peanut ball worked wonders for my progress I had been dilating about a cm an hour since breaking my water but once I had the peanut ball it was even faster. Around 6pm I started feeling pressure in my butt that was mildly uncomfortable but my nurse said he still had a ways to come down.

The pressure progressively got worse and I suffered in silence until I felt like I was holding in pushes because I wanted to labor on my own for awhile. I called my nurse and she was very chill about it until she checked me and his head was right there! She went to grab my doctor and while we were waiting I started to do practice pushes and she had to make me stop because I was progressing so fast. As soon as my doctor got there I started pushing whenI felt contractions in sets of 3 for ten seconds. At the third push every time I ran out of breathe so it was hard to get some good ones.

Then he came out! The ring of fire wasn’t bad because of the epidural, even though they had turned it off to push I was still relatively numb, and it felt more like a sign that he was coming and to keep pushing as hard as I could. I felt his head come out then his little body with all his limbs was the weirdest sensation ever. They put him up on my chest and because I was full of adrenaline and out of it all I could say for the next ten minutes was oh my god baby hi. My boyfriend definitely laughed at that afterwards. I delivered the placenta wish i didn’t have to push for and it didn’t hurt, again just a weird sensation.

I didn’t see it but my boyfriend did and he said it was a lot bigger than he was expecting it to be. He cut the cord and our baby boy is healthy. I had second degree tears and definitely felt the stitches so I had to get some numbing shots before she could finish that up. Baby had some serious cone head because I let him sit in the birth canal so long! He is 8.8lbs and 21in. (at only 39 weeks!) I labored for about 11 hours and pushed for less than 30 minutes! The whole process was as easy and smooth as I could have hoped for. My boy is healthy and breastfeeding like a champ.

Everything has been great I could not have asked for a better experience. I’m in little to no pain almost 24 hours later, my muscles are just sore so it’s hard to get up and sit down. Also please use your peri bottles. It hurts to pee. The hospital ones are fine but I would definitely advise moms who are able to get the frida mom one. I can only hope that if you’re reading this in preparation for your birth, that your experience is like mine. I feel amazing. I love my son. I appreciated this sub throughout my entire pregnancy. Good luck moms! It’s so worth it.

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