Graduated 37+0!


New member
Hello everyone, it is currently Christmas Day and I’m sitting in a hospital with the best gift ever, my son, sleeping next to me.

So I tested positive for you know what on Friday morning, Christmas plans were out the window. I called my doctor to see what medicine I could take and what it would look like IF I delivered and still tested positive. Good news is, the hospital I went to has pretty chill rules (really the only ones are I have to wear a mask like all the time and I can only have one visitor in the room instead of three).

Anyways, fast forward to the night time and I had really bad diarrhea, threw up, and had a high blood pressure reading. These are the exact set of symptoms I had when I had HELLP syndrome last year so I wake my boyfriend up and I’m like “Hey, we need to go to the hospital NOW.” Mind you, I had the Vid and Waffle House, so my boyfriend thinks it’s that or food poisoning. Regardless, better safe than sorry.

We get to the hospital and he stays in the car and sleeps while I wait for like four hours before getting taken to a private triage room. They run all my labs due to my history, no signs of Pre-E or HELLP!!! Tell me I can go home as soon as the doctor signs my discharge papers but he’s in the OR delivering twins. I’m IN my clothes, crocs on, ready to go. The resident comes back in and is like “so the doctor looked over your papers from your NST and your baby had two or more heart decelerations and since you’re teen our policy here is to deliver to reduce any further distress. I’m sorry about that change, any questions?”

I go “do you have a phone charger, mines about to die and so need to call my boyfriend to tell him we’re having a baby”

I call him, text him the info, phone dies, he goes home and grabs everything I remembered we needed and is here within an hour.

They take me to a labor and deliver room, start me on pitocin at a 4 (I was already 3 cm dilated and 30% effaced) to increase every 30 minutes at 6:18 AM.

I had planned to go unmedicated and was doing pretty well, but since I was sick I hadn’t slept since a nap I took at noon the day before so around 1PM I asked for IV meds so I could try and nap (I was about 4 cm at that time). FYI, you can still feel the contractions with the IV pain meds, you’re just so loopy and tired you don’t care.

I take about forty minutes in total in short interval cat naps and then wake up because it literally feels like my spine is being pulled out of my back with every contraction. I told my boyfriend I couldn’t feel like that every couple of minutes for who knows how long, I was about 5-6cm at that point. I asked for an epidural and got it like thirty minutes later and slept for about two hours. I wake up at around 5:30 and my nurse goes to check me and I’m fully dialated, effaced, all that good stuff. She calls in the team and everyone’s there’s so I start pushing around 6. Since I had an epidural they had to guide my pushing BUT I still got him out in less than 30 minutes and less than ten contractions. He was born at 6:24 PM on Christmas Eve and weighs 6 pounds 6 ounces! I have a 1st degree tear and an abrasion which is honestly the most uncomfortable (NOT painful) part so far. BUT, ask me anything, we had a wild and crazy Christmas night lol.
@texasmustang All of my nurses were so nice! They wore the disposable gowns and had on N95s and I had to stay masked. I am asymptomatic, I don’t know if that made a huge difference. They gave me a cannula with oxygen when I was pushing to help with air and stuff. I got to hold him right after he was born and he literally has not left the room we’re in at all!
@hemahe You may have said and I missed it but are you a FTM? I’m amazed you went into labor at 37 weeks! I’m hoping to go into labor before 40 weeks. Congrats momma 😍😍 enjoy your Christmas baby 💕