Got the shot 2 weeks ago, was told I’d bleed for about 3 months after but no bleeding?


New member
What the title says. 15 years old, and I got the shot about 11 days ago, this is my first experience with birth control. My period was supposed to start the day after, and the person who gave me the shot said that I would probably experience bleeding for up to 3 months after bc my uterus lining was thinning or something? (I don’t have a very good memory but I’m pretty sure that’s what they said.) I had been sexually active the month prior but always used protection. They did the STD tests and stuff before giving me the shot but couldn’t do the pregnancy test since I didn’t have to pee. I’m just slightly worried and paranoid because I haven’t bled at all yet, is this normal or something to be worried about? Sorry if this question is silly lol. I hope this is the right flair, also
@hhawk18 I started getting depo when I was 13 because my periods were so bad. It completely stopped mine, and if I did have one it was few and far between. It perfectly normal for it to stop, but I’d take a test just to be sure!
@hhawk18 Take a pregnancy test if you can access one just cos that lingering doubt in your mind will fuck with you badly lol and nobody needs that. A couple of dollars for a test puts you out of your misery

But the depo shot is very reliable for most people. It got me from 15yo to 21yo with no periods and no babies (and then the pill got me through to 24yo when I wanted kids). Contraception is cool and if you're following the instructions, you can trust it - even though the side effects can be weird. Spotting on and off is a pretty common one with depo especially if you're nearly due for the next shot
@hhawk18 I started the shot at 16 (no longer on it due to possible side effects and side effects I did have). It stopped my period completely. It’s totally normal.
@hhawk18 I was on Depo for a few years in my early 20s. As long as you get the shot when you're supposed to, you'll be iron clad lol. For now, get a test to be sure or go back to your doctor's to get one done.
@hhawk18 I had the Depo for 7 years and did not bleed for 7 years.

I’m not sure why they’d say you’d bleed for 3 months! I understand it can be one of the side effects but not the only one!

Just do a pregnancy test for your own sanity and fingers crossed you’re maybe one of the ones who just doesn’t bleed on the depo!
@hhawk18 Depo is known to stop periods some it stops right away and others take time. The doctor probably said 3 months because thats the average for most but birth control is unpredictable due to everyone reacting differently to the hormones. You can take a pregnancy test just in case but there is a good chance that it is due to the shot.