GF is 9 days late. 2 tests are negative.


New member
My GF (24) is 9 days late. She is usually on regular cycles (28-35 days). We've been having unprotected sex since a couple of months. 2 tests have been done since she's been late (in the morning). (Same brand, both negative). Today, her mom told her she also had 2 negative tests when she was younger before finding out she was actually pregnant. She thinks we should wait another 7 days to go see a doctor. Any thoughts on this? How often are false negatives? What should we do next.
We've been having unprotected sex

For a cycle in which ejaculation has occurred around ovulation, typically there is as high as a 30% chance of pregnancy. Sometimes people have long odd cycles occasionally, but yes, testing again if she does not have a period in a few days makes sense.

A doctor can do a blood draw, but typically a doctor would simply do another urine test first. A doctor would also be able to provide counsel on birth control options, and prescribe such things - so it may be worthwhile visiting if you would like to avoid pregnancy.
@abbasarmes There is always a chance of causing pregnancy if you have unprotected sex. However that being said, she might just have ovulated late which is causing her period to be late. I agree with her about waiting to test in a week.