Gentlease spit up


New member
Hoping for some advice while we wait on a dr appt. My 7 week old was on Similac 360 total care & I noticed it made her extremely gassy and uncomfortable. She switched to Gentlease and it helped tremendously with gas issues, but it’s so thin that she spits up horribly on it)3-4 times after every feed even hours later. She is already on Dr. Brown bottles w/ the newborn nipple(Level T), burps after every ounce & sits upright for around 20-30 minutes afterwards.
@silvestersloon My 10 week old was on gentlease for the first few weeks and spit up after every feeding. We switched him to similac pure bliss around a month old and he has been doing so much better. He does get a little gassy and we just give him mylicon drops when he does and it does the trick for him.
@thunderlight Thanks for the reply! We switched back to Similac 360, but the spit up is still bad. Gonna give it a whole week to see if she adjusts, but she’s not bothered by it. She is more gassy, but it’s passing much easier than before.
@silvestersloon If it makes you feel any better, we just did the switch from Similac 360 to Similac Pro Comfort with my 4week old and we also are having a TON of spit up but our ped said it’s normal! Their digestive system is still maturing and the formula is a bit easier to digest/thinner so it comes up a bit easier but will get better as time progresses. Our ped told us to watch for any discomfort with spitting up but if baby is still happy/not in any pain it’s normal.
@silvestersloon My 10 weeks old girl didn’t do well with gentlease, I’ve seen lots of moms complaining about the same things, we switched for similac alimentum and it’s been a lot better, it’s a bit thicker than gentlease so that helps with spit up. This formula journey is challenging, but when you find one that works well is heaven 🙏🏼
@silvestersloon My bub is 9 weeks and the spit up has finally started to settle. If baby isn't crying or projectile puking out formula, they're most likely fine. It will get better as they get older. Invest in some cute bibs to help save the outfits.