From the Desk of Diet J. Otaku - Thanks Y'all


New member
i just wanted to take a minute to thank you guys for being so diligent with the reports. awhile back reddit suffered from a rash of porn site spammers who would create brand-new accounts and post in small subs hoping to escape notice long enough to get a click. lots of mod teams started using automod to filter new accounts and the spamming stopped for awhile.

well apparently they've returned and have started tweaking their methods - they use self posts instead of links now, and they wait until their accounts are at least 2 days old (since that's the threshold a lot of mods were using on the filter). i've already updated automod and it's caught at least one of these schmucks, but a few more have slipped through so i'm continuing to update the rules based on their methods.

please know that if you're using a throwaway and you happen to use one of the keywords and your post gets filtered, we do get a modmail about it and we WILL review and approve your post! so don't worry about accidentally tripping the filter, we've got you covered.

but these spammers will probably keep tweaking their methods, so we need you guys to keep reporting this crap when (if) you see it. i know it's annoying to see in the first place, so thank you all so much for helping us keep on top of these turdbuckets. 🤗💕
@saraila I'll be honest, I thought it was a nod to Matt Groening and how a bunch of his characters have J as a middle initial for literally no reason (besides a nod to a former comic artist he admired). :p

Homer J Simpson

Bartholomew J Simpson

Phillip J Fry

Hubert J Farnsworth

Sorry, my nerd is showing.
@thuva That is probably the most common guess, even more than "diet otaku." It's like doing a word search in Japanese when you don't speak Japanese, your brain just latches on to what it does recognize and doesn't worry about making sense of the rest. 🙂
@sophiawilliam Well you're half right. Otaku is a Japanese creepy weirdo loner geek who's too into manga and anime. (Not like our geek.)

My definition gathered from several sources, not an official one.
@yahkov It's the slang definition, yeah. Technically "otaku" just means "your honorable home," but it's used a lot like "neckbeard" to refer to people so obsessed with something (usually anime/manga) that they never leave the house.

@saraila Oh Diet, I love you.

We've been having a problem with them on my local subreddit - but our mod is MIA.

I've "requested" to take over as mod, but I think the admins are backlogged so for now we've vulnerable to attack.

Any advice on what we can do?
@faithfamily if the mods there set automod to remove posts with x number of reports, downvoting and making sure everyone reports those is probably the most a non-mod can do. in my experience it does take about 2-3 weeks for a reddit request to be reviewed and put through. that sucks that your mod disappeared on you. :/