For my girl - a few slightly ghetto but edgy/trendy names. Please be honest which ones do you like??


New member
I know I know long "ghetto" names are frowned upon but everyone in my family has one and I want my daughter to have one too but something that's also classy and will look sexy and successful someday. My baby daddy and I have a list can you tell me what you think?

Eschuaniqua (esh-wa-neekwa)

Chartreisha (shar-treesha)

Presquifaundria (pres-qui-fawn-dree-ah)

Lynachia (lynn-AY-sha)

Laquiqua (la-kwee-kwa)

Rohaisha Kiani (ro-hay-sha key-ah-nee)

Telefanda (tell-ah-fawn-da)

Let me know what you think of these options we have 6 months still so we r open to very similar suggestions. Thanks.
@abulawi32 Kiani was the only one I didn't have to stop and think about the pronunciation of. It's prettier, its less gimmicky. The other ones sound like a joke, no offence.
@captivating I totally agree. If the pronunciations were not there, I would have been so lost.

What about giving her one of those names as a middle name, that way you can still keep the tradition but give your daughter a name a little easier to pronounce and spell.
@abulawi32 I'm going to actually answer your question, unlike most of the answers. In my opinion, of your choices Eschuaniqua is a very pretty name. Also Rohaisha is nice as well. Kiani is good too, but I don't like them together and you said you wanted a longer name.
@abulawi32 I'm with the others on Kiani, but I also will include Lynachia - I think it's not too hard to pronounce and rolls of the tongue a little easier than the rest of the list. She then also has the choice to go by Lynne for short

Laquiqua and Telefanda are my least favorite sounding on the list, and Eschuaniqua and Presquifaundria and the hardest to read/spell/pronounce.
@abulawi32 How about something simple like Jane, Gretchen, Felicity, June, Dahlia, Persephone (long E sound), Penelope (long E sound), or Kimani (a little closer to "ghetto") / Kiara? I recommend going onto at least 50 online job applications, and try typing in all the names you wanna use, see what names fit into the text boxes and which ones dont, bc you said you want your child to become a successful adult, right? Financially and career successful, too? Able to apply for jobs online without having difficulty in the online text boxes? Or choose a simpler, 2-3 syllable name for a first name, and then a longer er....."ghetto" name for a middle name. Or just watch a few episodes of A&E Scared Straight and see the sadness of the teens job age who have unrealistic names that would look horribly unpronounceable on even a Target/Walmart name tag.

Maybe I'm just extremely old fashioned, bc those aforementioned names are on my baby name list for future children (Adelaide, Penelope, Persephone, Jane, Gretchen, Dahlia, Felicity, Esther, etc).

In conclusion, please don't give your child a name they might resent as they get older. Please factor in other people's ability to spell and pronounce the child's name without difficulty, the more the child gas to correct spelling /pronunciation, the more they will resent it. Like me, I'm in the horribly painful legal process of legally changing my name. It takes awhile, and a lot of emotional effort.