
New member
I have a question about FMLA. If you requested to go back to work early but changed your mind last minute will they still approve/add back the 4 weeks of bonding time? It is currently “pending” and I put in the request to reverse it yesterday. Long story short - I thought I was ready to go back to work early. I am having a lot of personal things happening in my life and needed extra money. However, things changed and I realized I am not mentally ready to go back yet. Has anyone ever had experience with this or any advice? I feel so sick to my stomach over this. I feel so annoyed at myself for even trying to go back early. I just really hope that it does get approved, again. I am set to go back to work on 12/5 but I am needing to be adjusted back to my original date which is 1/3. I am unable able to go into work Monday due to having to take my father to the hospital for a major surgery - my job is aware of this but unsupportive. This will be a mark against me even if my time is approved again. I am the only one who is able to be there for him at this time.