Fit ladies: what are you snacking on?

@savedbygrace85 I have a donut and chocolate every day. I think otherwise I eat decently healthy and I haven't gained too much weight (actually my weight is kind of stalling in this third tri now) so I'm just enjoying my Dunkin donuts while I can lol
@afolkytouch I eat my fair share of ice cream and cookies too, but typically for after dinner dessert not a mindless midday snack. I have my days of being unhealthy too though!
@felicitys I have a donut as part of my breakfast and chocolates with lunch. Dinner is actually my healthy time bc my acid reflux is so bad at night I just have a small meal and nothing after lol
@felicitys I’m terrible with portion control so little individual sized peanut butter has been super helpful especially during the cracker eating phase. Like I’m not necessarily limiting my portions but it’s just nice to know how much protein I’m getting.
@felicitys Roasted chickpeas? Haven't tried it myself yet, but when I get more nibbly, it's on my roster to try:

Seems like you just wash and pat dry canned chickpeas, season as desired and then roast.
@felicitys Pumpkin seeds. Lots of magnesium helps with pregnancy constipation. Add cacao nibs for chocolate flavor and maybe goji berries and mulberries.

Add above to yogurt for a filling snack.
@etzion Love it, thanks!

I didn’t put in my original comment but I’ve been adding flax, chia, hemp, cinnamon and a drizzle of honey to my greek yogurt with granola/fruit and it’s been helping to keep me full - in addition to being tasty
@etzion Love it, thanks!

I didn’t put in my original comment but I’ve been adding flax, chia, hemp, cinnamon and a drizzle of honey to my greek yogurt with granola/fruit and it’s been helping to keep me full - in addition to being tasty
@felicitys I've been doing two breakfasts, veggie packed lunch, and dinner, maybe a snack. I'm 26w and starving all the time hahaha.

I got a vanilla protein powder that I can't stand the taste of so I've been making protein breads to snack on. I eyeball it, but half protein powder half flour, baking powder, then some wet and oily ingredients with whatever I have in the fridge. An egg, some roasted squash, milk, peanut butter blended and added to dry. Good with more peanut butter on top:) I've been eating a ton of PB lately. Also milk for when I'm a tiny bit hungry but want to exercise soon, so I don't have to wait for it to settle down so long