First u/s showing twins


New member
Hi everyone!

Just went through IVF fresh transfer of a 5 day embryo. Leading up to this my fiancé and sister were joking how it might be twins because my 12dp5dt beta was 906 then 1919 on 14dp5dt.

I am in complete shock and don’t know what to think. We have been trying for four years and didn’t think this would happen. I am only 5wk5d today and the doctor said I was measuring at 6wk1d. There was gestational sac and two separate yolk sacs on opposite sides. Their hope is to see the line form between the two gestational sacs. Doctor said it could be too early to see it yet along with the fetal poles and he wasn’t concerned just yet. I also do have a mild triscupid valve regurgitation which do also contribute to the worry but my cardiologist didn’t seem to concerned when discussing IVF and getting cardiac approval.

LF support, similar stories, success, expectations and everything else. Also expectations on what happens when two gestational sacs don’t form
@ac83 I’m currently 20 +4 with my little untested 4AA embryo that split into identical healthy twin girls. My first ultrasound sounds just like yours, on gestational sack and two yoke sacs across from each other. Based on how far apart mine where even early on my RE said he was pretty certain they would be mono-di. He was right and the membrane was seen at 10 weeks. I’ve also learned from my MFM that baby b is attached to a placental lobe and now that they are bigger it looks like they have two separate placentas (they don’t the main placenta and lobe are connected and share a blood supply) but the babies are very far apart and connected to the placenta far apart.
@ac83 We had a fresh embryo transferred. We went for a scan at 6w5d and saw a fetal pole and heartbeat. We went for another scan at 8w5d and there were 2 babies in there! We were so shocked! One must have been hiding behind the other for the first scan.

We always wanted more than one child but thought we would never get that due to needing ivf. Twins was like a miracle, a very surprising miracle!

Our boys are 20 months now and honestly it’s been amazing. The new born stage was really hard but as they’ve grown it’s gotten so much better. Watching them interact with each other melts your heart. The other day one of them fell over and was crying, his brother went up to him and gave him his favourite teddy to hold, it made me want to cry!

If your twins share the same sac then you get scanned weekly to monitor for complications. Stay away from Google, it’s really scary because it only tells you the negative things. Having twins is so so rewarding and amazing. Good luck!