First name to go with my phallic-sounding last name

This past September my wife and I were blessed with our first child, a girl. I make this post because for the whole time before we learned the gender, we were brainstorming name ideas of course, but we never settled on a name if she were to have been a boy. One of the obstacles we faced was finding a name that sounded good with my last name but also didn’t make it sound more perverted as my last name contains “cox” in it. To maintain privacy, I’d like to keep my actually last name out of the post but the last syllable is the long -e sound, like “bully.”

Basically, I’d like to see what the masses can help brainstorm for potential names for my non-existent son. The only 3 stipulations are that it can’t play into my last name to make it sound more perverted or phallic, it can’t be something super basic and common, and it can’t be my name as we found a way to honor my name of 3 generations with my daughter.

We can’t wait to see what y’all come up with!
@embroiderygirl06 OP, I know you’re saying you’re cool with your name, but I have never understood how people with bad surnames just accept it when it’s so easy to change. You said yourself you don’t want your kids to be embarrassed.
@chri5 I think you think that way because you see the last name as “bad” when it’s really just immature people that make it that way. The harassment got less and less throughout the years so it really wasn’t a problem as much as you may think. My last name carries more weight than most in my community nowadays and changing would completely ignore and throw away the work of my family… not exactly something I find appropriate over the problems that I faced as a child