Finally had a positive test after 3 1/2 years of trying, turned into a miscarriage


New member
Just letting it out since I’ve been home trying to heal mentally and physically. My husband and I experienced 5 days of excitement before this weekends ER visit. After using so many tests over the years with negatives it makes you hesitant to want to open one up. After multiple doctors, blood work and ultrasounds I was in shock to see a positive, I didn’t believe it and went out to buy 3 more tests of different brands. 5 days of thinking this was it for us…. The thing that hurts the most is knowing how excited my husband was when I showed him the test. He’s been my biggest support, held my hand the whole hospital visit…. I don’t know how women go through this time and time again while trying. You are way stronger than anyone gives you credit for.
@findingfaith25 Same thing happened to me after 15 months of trying. We were both devastated.
Then again last month (2yrs trying)
I didn't even tell my husband. It is hard to go through alone but even harder to break his heart again.

You are not alone. We are all here for you.
@rubyredsun ♥️♥️♥️ gosh, i feel you on this one. I can’t bear to see my husband’s heartbreak…but at the same time he has let me know he would want to know if anything like that happened. It’s a big thing to hold in all by yourself. Sending lots of love to you.
@findingfaith25 Oh I’m so sorry. What you’re going through is categorically awful. People have no idea what bravery it takes to face years of TTC. Sending you lots of love.
@findingfaith25 I'm right there with you 🤍
Spontaneous pregnancy... Made it to 8 weeks and a half after more than 2 years of trying and treatments without a single positive in sight... Only for the heart to stop beating at some point last week... I'm currently waiting to miscarry or they'll remove it surgically on wednesday.
I don't know how to feel, I feel completely numb. I'm not even sure I want us to keep trying, I'm just exhausted. I'm afraid the longer we keep trying and hoping, the less joy I will be left with to go on a ifchildfree life...
All I know is we are stronger than anyone could know... We keep getting back up every. Single. Time. That's bravery... That's courage... That's something to be proud of...
I'll keep you in my thoughts, and hope you'll feel better very soon. 🤍
@findingfaith25 I’m so sorry. I’m going through a miscarriage rn too. It’s awful, a total mind fu/k. I never ever realized the time this takes off a woman’s fertility and family planning. I’m so sorry you’re going through it. Wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy.
@findingfaith25 I'm really sorry for your loss. On top of how painful it is, it's a very lonely journey. I couldn't even find a therapist who could understand, let alone friends or family. It takes a huge toll on us. Sending you hugs.