F U Medela


New member
I've never had enough milk to feed my baby so I've been always supplementing and breastfeeding/pumping. Every little drop counts and I'm trying my best.

Today I woke up and after feeding my baby (not much, she's on a booby strike) I started pumping some more. I was feeling quite accomplished with almost 40ml in one boob, yay!! Then baby got fussy and started to cry..... and I had to bend down.....and suddenly all the milk flowed down the pump and in the floor. I ended up with only 20ml from both boobs!!! :(

I don't get how they make a "closed" pump with this stupid design. I'm in tears over spilled milk, send thoughts and prayers lol

P.s. F U Medela designer, F U medela freestyle
@quentinlwilliam If it makes you feel better, I had about 3 months worth in my freezer downstairs. I want to say about 200oz? My niece and nephew came over and wanted a popsicle. They went downstairs to get one but left the freezer door open.

Bye milk! Literally it all thawed out, I could only use what I could and toss the rest. It also ruined half a deer my husband just shot. And all the damn ice cream…

I cried and couldn’t even have my comfort ice cream 😩 sending ALLLLLL the good vibes.
@nvseabee I have spilled a little out of the air vent on my willow 3.0, but I bent over and it was close to full. It was less than 5 ml that spilled at least! But I do like the willow’s security
@quentinlwilliam Aww heartbreaking!

I’ve just unintentionally fallen asleep on the couch,slightly reclined with my hands free pump in my bra, for all of 10 mins and I’ve woken up with half of it soaked into my bra and the rest on my clothes as it’s spilt out of the top 😤

Baby is safely in his Moses basket before anyone panics!
@quentinlwilliam This happened to me the other day and now my pump is acting up not sure if the tubing in ruined now and of course customer service in Canada is not open on the weekend and it’s a long weekend so I have no good working pump all weekend 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
@quentinlwilliam 🖕🖕🖕 I strongly believe there’s a special wing of hell filled with Medela designers. Both of the sns thingies are just cruel cruel trickery. I’m out of the fog of feeding disorders and supply issues thankfully, but I still hold curses for whoever made those things. Definitely men, if not actual demon hellspawn.