F**k viruses

@mynameishephzibah I feel u . We are sick since 25 of november.
We started to feel good 2 days ago. And today my older one , 3.5 old. Got another flu.
Fuccccccckkkk. I just want a good night of sleep.
@mynameishephzibah We have been sick for 4 months because my 3 year old started preschool in August. We also had a baby in September…so yeah we have been sick his entire existence. This includes a weeklong hospital stay when he had RSV as a newborn. I haven’t ever really gotten my immune system back after giving birth so I’ve been sick on a constant revolving cycle and I am beyond over it. I don’t know that I believe we will ever feel like normal healthy humans again. 🤍
@mynameishephzibah in my country, every damn body is either sick, just recovered or falling sick. my friends doctor told her that there are 8 strains of flu going around on top of covid and everything. i imagine it’s similar worldwide..
@mynameishephzibah This post is so validating. We are just starting to recover from a hell of a virus that took out everyone in the household for the last 2 weeks.

Cough, fever, dizziness, FATIGUE. Thank God we had family to help as I'm pretty sure otherwise we would have just straight up died. And not like it was "oh, I'm feeling a bit ill" but more like "I'm so sick I can barely retain consciousness... oh wait, it's time for the toddler's lunch, let me drag my corpse to the kitchen."
@mynameishephzibah We’re battling the flu over here going on a week. Husband caught it, I caught it, now waiting for toddler to get it. I’ve been in bed 2 days in a row now. I’m miserable. I also have my period and a horrible canker sore on the tip of my tongue from eating too much chocolate from Christmas stockings. I’m so done.
@mynameishephzibah Mary Ruth Organic multivitamins for my toddler have helped immensely. I wash and sanitize his hands like CRAZY (and my own as well), and have trained myself to not touch my face hardly ever except for doing makeup or washing it. I was sick so much two years ago with my little one and now I am not sick as often and if I am, it’s less severe. I hope it gets better for you. Hang in there. ❤️
@mynameishephzibah Last week the manager at our childcare demanded to know if we had been ‘hanging out with anyone’ over Christmas as I picked our little one up from the petri dish that is the childcare centre with a temp of 39.5 and a cough. A. No we are hermits and B. It’s probably because they have spend the best part of the week licking other babies.

Thought I felt ok this morning and it’s been downhill since lunchtime.
@mynameishephzibah Kid currently has HFM after having the flu last month. He can’t sleep because he’s so miserable. My only saving grace is daycare will still let him on as long as he doesn’t have a fever.
@mynameishephzibah I’ve had a CONSTANT cough for a YEAR at this point…. Just as I’m getting better, kiddo is ill again…. And my cough that is just getting better then gets worse and turns into a lung infection.

Not to mention I’ve had a terrible runny nose for the last 3 fking MONTHS! When will it end? 😓
@mynameishephzibah Omg, it’s the same story here since November. I don’t know how we’re managing cooking , chores and office work along with a sick kid. She goes to day care for a week and gets something right around Friday and then it’s a week at home.
@mynameishephzibah I know that we have been very lucky our toddler has not gotten sick nearly as often as many of his peers. But that luck seems to have run out 2 days into our week long trip in Rome. We spent the whole day inside with a feverish toddler.