Extreme anxiety on nexplanon please help x


New member
Disclaimer: I know no one is a doctor I just would like some advice on other people experiences
I got nexplanon about three weeks ago and it was all fine until about 10 days ago when I have been having the worst panic attacks and anxiety and just really low mood. I have already suffered in the past with extreme anxiety and I don’t know wha to do. I want to have it removed but I really want to be On a birth control but I’m so scared to start a pill and have this happen again. I would like the IUD but I already suffer with my periods and I really really don’t want them to be any heavier. Please can anyone give me some advice? I read somewhere that nexplanon is only progesterone or something so it can be a lack of eostrogen which can make you anxious? Would an eostrogen pill be better? I’m just reallly freaking out. I’m not sure if the progesterone thing is true
Thanks x
@rabshield i recently got my nexplanon removed after having it for two years for the same reason. i’ve always had anxiety/depression but nexplanon made mine so much worse. it got to the point where i quite literally would not get out of bed for days. i got mine removed about three weeks ago and i’ve felt soooo much better since. i liked nexplanon simply because i didn’t have to remember to constantly take a pill or change a patch all the time. and on top of that i didn’t have my period the entire time i was on it. but the cons definitely outweighed the pros for