EWCM on O+1?


New member
So today is CD17, and I thought I ovulated at some point on CD16 because on CD15 morning I got a positive OPK (although barely, premom put it at 1.00). CD14 and CD16 were both negative. Also, this morning I recorded a 36.66 BBT when CD1-16 were all in the 35.9-36.4 range. I know you need 3 temps to confirm an ovulation rise but the combination of the OPK and temp rise makes day 16 ovulation seem very likely?

My cycles are also usually 26-31 days, but 27-29 seems to be my most common, which again suggests O on day 16 is likely.

However this afternoon has been really confusing because I got what I'd call EW CM and a lot of it - is this normal enough or is ovulation still potentially coming? Feeling very confused and stressed! Have been getting fertile CM since at least day 13/14 for what it's worth.
@suezq3 My CM is not very reliable, I always get lots of seemingly fertile mucus after my temp has risen already. Usually, I get even more than during my actually fertile window. It is so weird. I've heard of lots of women who really have trouble interpreting CM. There is no way of really knowing, but to me it sounds like you ovulated on CD15 or CD16. Do the BD one more time today, just to be sure :D
@suezq3 Maybe the ewcm was just leaving your body or could have been semen from sex?

Do you do opks in the afternoon/eve as well as morning? They say that's when you should do them although good do in the morning as well when you're nearing your surge.
@suezq3 I normally get sticky/thick CM a couple days after ovulation but before or after that I've gotten stretchy and watery CM too so not sure what that is about. I just count the end of my fertile window when I get the sticky/thick CM
@suezq3 Take the first day of fertile CM as the indicator of ovulation. Same as the first day of LH surging, instead of the peak. CM is a very reliable indicator of your hormones (E2 and P). Although not every single cycle is text book perfect if we're being honest.

If you ovulate, your oestrogen and progesterone levels spike which can cause the EW CM some women report just before their period.

Hope that helps!
