Ergobaby Omni 360 strap help


New member
I originally had my Ergobaby Omni set up in the H strap position and hated it, and now I’m coming back to it and giving it another shot in the cross back position.

My question is, what do I do with the back strap thats used in the H mode when I’m doing the cross back? When I look at the tutorial videos for cross back I don’t see the extra back strap hanging there. But I can’t seem to find in the instruction manual what to do with it or how to remove it?

Feeling a little dumb lol. Pls help!
@trogers Do you mean the buckle that attaches both straps together? The horizontal part of the H? You don't need to buckle it on the X position. It's meant to prevent the straps from falling off your shoulders so you can ignore it.