Ergobaby mesh 360


New member
I was gifted a ergobaby mesh 360. I was not given the insert and I’m confused if my l.o needs it. He is 11 weeks and almost 14 pounds, the manual says the infant insert is needed from 7-12 lbs and can be used without one at 4 months. Would I still need to use the infant insert if he’s above the said weight but under 4 months?
@chriatopher Good thinking. I was trying to avoid having to buy an insert if I didn’t need to but I will look at marketplace and see if I can find a cheaper one!
@aijyou Definitely! I’d try it without just to see but marketplace is always a treasure trove. Depending on your situation you also may just want to wait to use the carrier - we have an ergo original that even with insert felt better to wait on but now we use it almost everyday!
@aijyou My second baby was over 10 lbs at birth and was similarly in between the weight/age limits for things all the time. I had never been so confused by car seat inserts and carrier settings in my life.

Do a test fit. Check baby’s position in the mirror and see how things look and feel. Some carriers have instructions for how to roll up a small towel to set in the carrier for smaller babies to sit on, so maybe look up some instructions for that and compare how baby looks/feels.

Regardless, I’d hazard a guess that if you do end up needing an insert, you won’t need it for more than a week or two and the rolled up towel might be sufficient for that purpose.