Ergo omni 360 vs Embrace


New member
I am waiting for baby #2 (first LO will be 2 y.o by a week or so)
For our first we used a baby bjorn for a week or two around 6-7 weeks before splurging on the ergo 360 omnibreeze. LO was 9 pounds at birth so he was a good chunk by then...
I am not really in to wraps and wonder if I should buy a Ergo embrace for the first few months as I know I will most likely have to carry from birth with a toddler going around.
The Ergo omni is technically good from birth without insert but what is your experience with this ??
Would a embrace be better ?
@newreborn I used the embrace for the first 4-5 months and then switched to the Omni. I just felt like the Omni was too bulky and stiff for a tiny baby- my baby was a preemie. I was planning on using the 360 from the beginning but I ended up purchasing the embrace after she was born. I have the regular 360, not the breeze though, so not sure how different the material is? I really loved the embrace and don’t regret it!
@newreborn Co-sign the embrace. It’s so easy to wear and very light. Great for quick errands and housework. I use a lillebaby all seasons carrier for longer sun-exposed walks.
@newreborn We started with the embrace and liked it until baby hit about 12-15lbs, after which it didn’t feel supportive enough and started feeling like the carrier was really stretching out. I had the waist strap up under my ribs and couldn’t get baby high enough in it. For us that was about 10 weeks bc we have a chunkster of a kid. If your babies tend to run large, it may be a short term use.
@charlotte90t Thanks for the info ! Yeah te first one was definitely a chunk.
Don't know yet for the second one.
Maybe I should just hold off and see how the 360 would work for us before grabbing something else....
@newreborn I have the 360 and agree that it might be tough for a newborn, but worth a try. I also have a ring sling and like that for newborn, pause on it while they’re big enough to sit with legs out but still don’t have neck control and now that baby can control his own head am a big fan of it again.
@southern_at_heart I have a 360 from our first baby! I like them both but the aerloom is so much sleeker and prettier and just as supportive.

Because I have both I’m using my black 360 as my hiking / camping / outdoor carrier and my sand aerloom for everything else.
@newreborn I used a ring sling or wrap until 3-4 months and then the ergo Omni 360 has been great. It’s technically fine for newborns but it did not feel supportive enough. If you can get both go for it, the embrace is much better for newborns. But I LOVE the Omni 360 just didn’t love it for my newborn