
New member
Mom of three here (5,3,1YO). Hubby has been abroad for 5 days now. Comes home tomorrow evening so about 24 hours to go if the flights are on time.

He works crazy hours, I’m used to the routine where he’s away for 24-36 hours and then home for 12hours or so (of which 7 hours is sleepy time) and then leaves again for 24-36 hours. So it’s not like I usually have help every evening and managing all this craziness alone isn’t actually anything new for me.
But man this 5 days straight is tough. By now I’m honestly just thinking that single parents are like………. Unreal. How do they do this? I’ve always admired them for doing all this alone but oh my god after experiencing this “alone with 3”-scenario has given a new perspective on all of this.

Came here to rant and just to send all of the other breaking moms lots of love! Especially the ones that do it (mostly) alone.