Dropping to 2 naps


New member
Currently my 8 m/o is following doing 3 nap day with a 7 oz bottle at the beginning every wake window. We’re planning on dropping a naps in the next week or so. Looking for suggestions on how to shift her feedings to maintain roughly 30oz a day with only 3 wake windows.

She handles the 7oz okay but sometimes leaves an 1-2 oz in the bottle so i’m not sure 9/10 oz bottles would work for her. shes also done eat-play-sleep since 2 months so i’m concerned adding a 2nd bottle during a wake window would throw her even more.

What has worked for you during this transition?
@nohomofo My daughter transitioned to 2 naps herself around 6.5 months.

We also used to follow eat-play-sleep, but once she started solids and switched to 2 naps we just followed her cues. Sometimes she is hungry at 3 hours, sometimes she can go 5 hours without eating. Her first and last bottles are always 6oz and then we just base the other bottles on how long it’s been since she last ate or we add an ounce or two if she hasn’t hit the recommended ounces in a day.