Dr Brown Level 4 Nipple Too Fast?


New member
My LO is 9 months and 1 week old. Around 5 months and 2 weeks, we switched him to level 3 nipples. So he’d been on them for more than 3 months. He’s been drinking water and eating solids pretty well. So I thought it might be time to upgrade to leve 4 nipples which are marked for 9 months+. Also, he’s been splitting a 7-8 oz bottle into 2 courses recently, meaning we offer a bottle, he’d do 3-4 oz and then finish it when we offer again in 30 min. So I thought level 3 might be too slow for him. After we switched to level 4, he’s been finishing 7 oz in one go without any problems. The thing is, he finishes it within about 4 min. And he’s been hiccuping a lot in the last few days. Is chugging a 7oz bottle in 4 min too fast? Should we have stayed with level 3?
@karenlly Bottle nipples with ages are just a marketing ploy. Stick with the flow your child tolerates best. I have seen babies on level 1 their whole life, especially reflux kiddos. If there is nothing wrong with the 3, don’t change.
@karenlly My level 3 spills everywhere if my 10 month old tips it over or shakes it around. Is the hole for level 4 huge? I feel like it would be like an open straw lol.
@karenlly It might take a few days for him to adjust to the level 4. Hiccups are normal as long as he's not in pain. And if he isn't spitting up I'd say you're good!

I never went past level 3 with my daughter. Even now at 21 months old, she still uses level 3 in her one and only morning bottle. Never thought to increase it tbh lol
@karenlly Do not worry about nipple levels! Use whatever your baby is most comfortable with, there is no need to change unless baby is getting super frustrated with the flow. My girl is 7 months and still using newborn nipples! I’m only considering moving it up because she’s primarily breastfed and my flow has gotten a lot more rapid as of late, and she’s getting frustrated with the slower bottle.
@karenlly My daughter is 11mo (9.5mo adjusted) tomorrow, and I still use the level 2. I read somewhere that as long as the nipple isn't collapsing then it's okay. I dunno, maybe I'm doing it wrong, lol. I also have a couple sippy cup nipples, but she gets so frustrated with them, because she can't get milk instantly. This kid is going to be on a bottle forever...
@karenlly Nipple size is a marketing strategy for parents to spend more money. My lactation consultant told us that we don’t need to change nipples size if baby is feeding well. My 5 month old still on size 1.
@karenlly We’ve been experimenting with level four for my five month old. She was getting bored before. She drinks very fast, but is also still stopping when she’s full (won’t finish every bottle). She hasn’t been spitting up more than normal. It feels wrong for her to eat so fast but she’s not having any problems so we are going with it 😬