Don’t like “sharing” the baby


New member
Anyone else struggle with allowing others to handle the baby? I’m a FTM of an 8 week old, and we brought him to my in-law’s this weekend for my husband’s family to meet him, and I’ve really struggled. I feel like I have to let everyone have their time with him, because they live 4 hours from us so they don’t ever get to see him, but I feel like I haven’t had any time with him the past 3 days and I’m having a really hard time. I haven’t had any time to just spend with him, i haven’t been able to hold him a whole lot, my mother in law kept telling us to go out and she would watch him, but i don’t WANT to go out and leave him. I’ve been feeling really down and in a bad mood the entire time, and i think it’s because i haven’t been about to have him to myself, and i don’t know if that makes me crazy??? Like i feel physically sick to my stomach because i just want to hold him, but right now my stepdaughter has him and for some reason i feel like i can’t just take him back, i feel obligated to let her keep him
@linley This is normal! My in laws live far away and stayed with us three ish weeks after baby was born. I had a very very hard time watching people hold him and call him “their baby”. It gets easier eventually but the first little while is HARD.

I said some hurtful things due to these feelings when the hormones got the better of me. It’s a very vulnerable time and you’ve been through a lot.

If you can, maybe talk to your partner about how you’re feeling? Let him try and communicate to his family you just need some alone time with the baby?
@vee My MIL said it for the first time last night about my 8mo old (first sleepover away from us). It was definitely weird, I think even she regretted it.

My MIL would be super annoying if she wasn’t so lazy. She will always give our baby back so I’m never too stressed. Before our baby I would have said she was annoying because she was lazy.
I’m so grateful for it now. I kind of hate sharing my baby and how everyone assumes I want to get rid of her for the night. First night away from her wasn’t exciting, we just got takeaway & put up curtains cause our baby hates the drill.